Moving Fallen Trees with Ease!
Moving Fallen Trees with Ease! These fallen trees are no match for my hauler! Moved these very heavy fallen trees the other day - the heavy logs were easy to move
Hauling 3,000-Pound Logs: A Journey from Lebanon to Mulino
Hauling 3,000-Pound Logs: A Journey from Lebanon to Mulino A full day hauling 3,000 pound log - and a close call! I hauled these logs, plus a trailer, Lebanon, to Mulino.
Hauling an Ice Skating Rink Floor
Hauling an Ice Skating Rink Floor A productive day hauling! Today was a productive day! I tackled the heavy task of hauling the floor for the "ice skating rink". Not only
A Quick Lesson in Efficiency: Moving a 2,500-Pound Boulder
A Quick Lesson in Efficiency: Moving a 2,500-Pound Boulder Moving boulders made easy! No need for heavy-duty equipment! Recently, I had the opportunity to tackle a job - I was faced
Moving a Fuel Tank
Moving a Fuel Tank Project from yesterday! This is what I moved yesterday - a fuel tank and stand, 200 feet on the same property for JB Landscape.
Another Easy Hot Tub Installation Completed
Another Easy Hot Tub Installation Completed Two Hot Tub Placements in One Day! Second hot tub placement today! Load it was trick, in his barn, making sure I did not hit